Sunday, February 17, 2008

Too Free For Words

It's been a few days since I've updated my blog. The main reason: There was no internet connection at home. But, looks like I can't give that excuse now since the lazy broadband guy actually moved his lazy b*tt to fix my present line (At last).

I actually wanted to update my blog yesterday but never managed to cause I was hanging out the whole day. This whole week itself I've been hanging a lot at Theng Keat's waffle shop a lot @ Wawasan 2. Well, what to do, he's bored, I'm bored too... so both just meet up and crap a bit.

I wanted to blog at night but my god. I followed Ah Loon, Jaryl n John to have a drink which lead us to the nearest CC playing warcraft a whopping 3 hours. That's not all, the night was still young and we decided to chill at Ah Loon's place for a movie marathon. And guess what, I've watch Kung Fu Dunk the 3rd time (I think I can memorize half the dialogue already). The other shows, Jet Li's Fong Sai Yuk (Very old show but very funny) and now, woillah! I'm here facing this PC deprived of sleep . After downloading a few things and editing some stupid stuff, I'm off again to the quiet area of wawasan 2 to 'wu liao' again. Gosh, I seriously need a job already!
